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Branch and district committee, and form the foundations of belief amongst industrial democracy. In the Committee’s fourth Report (Parliamentary Paper, 1918, Cd. 9099) it recommended the establishment of a standing Arbitration Tribunal to deal with cases where the two sides of a Joint Industrial Council had failed to come to an agreement and wished to refer the dispute for settlement by arbitration. To make and consider suggestions for securing a permanent improvement in the relations between employers and workmen. Ignorance about Industry—Misconceptions as to Wages—Discontent and its Causes—Effect of Bad Environment—Fear of Unemployment—Dissatisfaction with Status in Industry—Belief in Agitation—Desire for Improvement—Low Conception of Work—Suspicion of Employers—The Worker and his Trade Union—The Worker and the Community. Any loss incurred by such banks, etc., in respect of transactions carried through by them for United Kingdom exporters, which comply with the same conditions as to the nature of the goods as those prescribed under the Export Credits Scheme. Their tenders, etc., as soon as it has decided the broad lines on which a guarantee could be given, so that real work can be commenced and men employed from the very moment that the necessary formalities are completed.

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Meanwhile, the evil can be considerably mitigated, both by the resistance of organized workers and by the intervention of the State. By these means, the health of the workers can be protected and their family life maintained. They make it possible for them to obtain the education necessary to enable them to fulfil their duties as citizens in a modern democracy. “Owing to certain recent events, the Conference desires to make absolutely clear the constructive character of the Socialist programme.

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“Baffled and exhausted through erratic leadership, untold sacrifices, and want of proper mental munitions, they retired from the field of battle, bleeding and decimated, but little aware of the great results they had achieved. They only saw the shattered ideals and broken hopes that lay strewn on the long path they had been marching and counter-marching from 1825 to 1855, not knowing that it was from the wreckage and debris of those shattered ideals that the material was gathered for building and paving the road of social progress. The Labour Party has no right to protest against those who would institute a campaign against it on the ground that the Labour movement, as at present constituted, is definitely class and sectarian in its objects. There is ample justification for that attack in the Labour Party’s own pamphlet Trade Unionism and Political Action. The Labour Party will not for a very long time, if ever, be a Party solely of individual membership; that would mean that the Party would have to cut itself off from the enforced contributions of affiliated Trade Unions, and rely upon the voluntary contributions of its individual members.

So far as improvement of production is concerned, the difficulty first, last, and all the time is the bitter enslavement of the mind of the worker, and, if I may borrow the phrase, the “collective mind” of the Trade Unions, by economic fallacy, and this must be attacked and vanquished before any real progress can be made. There is little or no haggling about the remuneration of these unskilled operatives. The volume of production and the consequent ability to pay high wages obviate that.

The Government also decided that the control of the coal industry, which had been essential as a war-measure, should be removed as soon as export prices fell to something approximating to the inland price. A start was made, in June 1920, in the direction of freeing the distribution of inland coal from restriction by placing it in the hands of local committees of the coal trade. In the relative profit-making capacity of firms which had always existed was of course materially intensified by control; before the war it had not, however, materially affected industrial conditions. Events soon proved the impracticability of continuing the 1918 compensation provisions. There had existed arrangements for securing supplies of coal to our Allies at prices approximating to those charged in this country for inland consumption—these were terminated in 1919, and the prices of export coal immediately mounted. Some coal-owners, who were granted export permits, realized large profits; others, who had previously suffered loss owing to their being restricted to inland trade, continued to labour under heavy financial difficulties, which were made still more onerous by the reduction of the price of household coal by 10s.

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The Marxian proposition that money is the first form of capital is a discordant and disruptive delusion. Marx declared that all capital was derived from the profits obtained by paying labour less than the value it created. On this hypothesis the capitalist assists in no way in the business of production. He is a bandit who holds up to ransom the whole world of workmen.