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Season 8’s “Bitten” is portrayed as a found footage episode following three young college students after one of them, Michael, is bitten by a werewolf and transforms. Michael becomes a pureblood werewolf which the three learn by following the Winchesters around. Brian eventually identifies their professor as the werewolf who bit Michael and the professor confesses that after years of surviving on animals, he gave into his instincts and killed someone. Brian forces the professor to turn him and the professor is subsequently tracked down and killed by Sam and Dean. Before dying, he thanks them for freeing him from what he felt was a curse.

Did Clay and Hannah kiss?

Before he can follow through on his threat, Sam and Mary return and Sam arms himself with the empty Colt. In reality, Mick slips Sam the Colt bullet which he loads thanks to a distraction from Mary. As Mick and Mary watch, Sam kills the Alpha Vampire with the Colt. By the time of “A Little Slice of Kevin”, Linda has recovered from her catatonia and looks for a way to strike back against Crowley by hiring a witch off of Craigslist to get the ingredients needed for the demon bomb. The witch brings enough ingredients for one bomb instead of all that Linda specified and betrays them to Crowley. Crowley leaves a demon behind to kill Linda as he leaves with Kevin, but Linda overpowers and captures the demon instead and calls Sam and Dean for help to rescue Kevin.

However, it turned out to be a trick, as Lilith’s death was the final seal to opening Lucifer’s Cage. This allows Lucifer to escape and set about beginning the Apocalypse. Demons mutations are very special demons, Samhain being the most special of said demon mutations. They’re terrifyingly special, and they rank separately in the hierarchy of Hell, acting under Samhain, the Lord of the Dead, according to the writers. They don’t have subordinates, unlike other demons, whose are black-eyed demons. At least one of there was even capable of summoning ghosts and other undead, and said to be able to summon monsters.

However, Clay discovers the missing piece he’s been looking for all along when he sees a group of athletes sneaking off into a room just outside of the field. This is the clubhouse, and the key to what happened in those Polaroids. Ms. Foley is a mess who won’t leave her drug-dealing boyfriend Seth, and Justin has no interest in sticking around — just lifting some of Seth’s cash from inside of the lamp. Then Sonya asks Olivia why she never took Hannah to see a therapist, despite Olivia seeing one for years.

Kevin Tran

Despite John’s attempts at parenting, Adam never saw John as his father and viewed his mother as his only family, but still wished to have a closer relationship with his father. Both Walt and Roy return in season 12’s “Who We Are” as two of the hunters called in to help deal with the British Men of Letters situation by Jody Mills. Having not seen the Winchesters since murdering them in “Dark Side of the Moon”, the reunion is somewhat awkward, but Dean assures both men that there are no lasting hard feelings over their actions. Walt and Roy join Sam’s assault on the British Men of Letters base with Roy even saving Sam’s life from a British operative that Sam misses. Roy is killed during the assault by another operative that Sam shoots moments later, but Walt survives. Walt, who acts as the team’s explosives expert, joins Sam and Jody in confronting Doctor Hess and follows Sam’s lead during the confrontation.

Charlie St. George

During their investigation, Adam’s body was discovered by Dean, just as Sam was attacked by the ghouls, who settled for killing Sam and Dean. Dean killed the ghouls, avenging Adam’s death and they subsequently gave a hunter’s funeral for the brother they never knew. In the season 10 episode “There’s No Place Like Home”, Sam and Dean find out that Charlie is back from Oz and is attacking people who helped cover up her parents deaths.

Later at prom, Alex and Charlie walked in on Zach trying to hook up with a drunk escort. They helped the woman and called Zach out for trying to hook up with someone who’s barely conscious. As Zach and Alex left the school building, they talked about Clay’s fight with Diego and what he’s dealing with. Alex asked Zach what he’s dealing with as he doesn’t seem bothered by anything, but Zach said there’s nothing. Alex reminded him that they’d be the kind of friends who tell each other stuff and it matters to him. At night, Alex texted Zach that someone gave him a gun and he figured it out.

Henry Winchester

Bulldozing through lunch is probably because a boss or team lead works through lunch themselves and doesn’t realize how draining (or even illegal!) that may be for others. A reference to persons who share a protected characteristic is a reference to transsexual persons. And certainly don’t do anything which your employer would disapprove of on a work PC. If you have a large amount of files to move off your work computer, talk with IT support and your manager about it to see how to do it completely above board. Someone further down suggested at least a personal Google drive or Dropbox.

Ultimately Bobby decapitated Chet who had at that time assumed Bobby’s own form to taunt him and had Sheriff Jody Mills drop his head into a river while he encased Chet’s body in concrete. While it was initially unknown where ghosts go after they are destroyed, hunters generally believed it to be oblivion. However, it is revealed in season 8’s “Taxi Driver” that Reapers take the spirit to where they belong once the ghost has been forced from this plane of existence. In season fifteen, Sam and Dean encounter Fortuna and her demigod son Pax in “The Gamblers” where they learned the history of the pagan gods from Fortuna. It is revealed that God created the deities so humanity can blame them for his mistakes and that they also can make great stories.

She was released from there on March 10, 1937, by a spell performed by H.P. She has been living as a professor of medieval studies at San Francisco University. In “Like a Virgin”, at Bobby’s suggestion, Dean visits Dr. Visyak to gain information about dragons and how to kill them.

In “Blade Runners”, Sam and Dean get the attention of expelled Man of Letters Cuthbert “Magnus” Sinclair by revealing that they are Henry’s grandsons. Magnus reveals that before his expulsion from the Men of Letters in 1956, he was Henry’s mentor in the order. Calling Henry something of a rebel, Magnus comments that Henry would continue to visit him even after he was kicked out. Eileen Leahy, portrayed by Shoshannah Stern, is an Irish hunter and Men of Letters Legacy. In “There’s Something About Mary” and “Who We Are”, Claire appears as one of the British Men of Letters primary targets when they plan to wipe out all of the American hunters. However, the British operation is destroyed by a team of American hunters led by Sam and Jody before this can happen.

It actually stemmed back to a scene in Season 1 where Bryce Walker, Jessica Davis, Justin, and several other students were drinking at a house party. Everyone believed that they were dating IRL until a rep for the show had to come out and said that they were just friends from the show. It’s more likely that he’s choosing to stay unlabeled after figuring out that he is queer.It’s presumable that he’s bisexual due to his former interest in Jessica and other women.